
NutrEpiWeb is a portal website for linking all the NutrEpi project websites.

We also provide short introductions for NutrEpi work packages.


Work packages

NutrEpi WP1

Nutritional 1-C levels through a whole-life feeding trial influence gene expression and DNA methylation patterns in liver and gonad. Objective: Th...

NutrEpi WP2

Variation of 1-C donor in the yolk of Atlantic salmon influences gene expression and DNA methylation patterns during early development stages. Obj...

NutrEpi WP3

Optimized levels of 1-C nutrients increase the robustness during smoltification through epigenetic gene regulation. Objective: Studies from both s...

Project websites

NutrEpi WP1 Liver logo

NutrEpi WP1 Liver

NutrEpi WP1 Goand logo

NutrEpi WP1 Goand